The is an approximately 170 acre catchment which is called Willets Points in Corona, Queens. Although it has rich adjacency to waterfront, transportation, airport infrastructure, and Citifield, it has become a provisional urban zone of temporary industrial buildings and polluted ground and waterway. The site is also known as the ‘Iron Triangle.’ For revitalization of this abandoned site, I propose a new urban scheme and large-scale public buildings. New urban fabric is mainly operated by recreational programs, which connect disconnected urban fabric and parks physically and functionally.
Urban Scheme
The Proposed urban scheme connects two separated urban fabrics. At the same time, it extends Corona to the waterfront. Urban blocks are formed by transportation flow. The proposed masterplan connects the East Corona area with the Flushing neighborhood. New architectural intervention is interconnected with this urban fabric. Urban infrastructures are concentrated on this intervention, which is called ‘Green Infrastructure. Recreational programs are located on the top of Green Infrastructure. As a result, the cultural and recreational programs do not have any conflict with urban flow.
Athletic Facility
The large-scale sport facility contains athletic and cultural programs. Athletic programs are enclosed by cultural programs, a typology that creates diverse social interaction. Each program is isolated, but at the border between athletic programs and cultural programs, there are active social interactions. In addition, the building is part of Green Infrastructure. The Building has multi-entrances for multiple programs. The slope is used as public open space, as well as the building circulation.